A marital disagreement turns violent prior to a pastoral counseling session. A distraught intruder walks into the church office, making demands. A man carrying a semi-automatic weapon enters the sanctuary during a Sunday morning service.
What’s stopping your church from developing a safety and security mindset? Matt Parmerlee, manager of risk control for Brotherhood Mutual, says that denial or fear often prevents churches from creating a safety and security program.
“I hear, ‘we know everyone in the community’ or ‘our church is in a good part of town.’ I tell churches, to consider the possibility of not if, but when.”
Starting a safety and security program at your church doesn’t have to be complicated or costly—it’s important to do what you can. “Many churches don’t know where to start, or think that a huge budget is necessary to develop a team,” Parmelee says. “There are many things churches can do right now that are low cost or no cost.”
Is your leadership motived to make changes today? It’s possible to make quick, meaningful changes. Jump-start your plan with these 10, do-it-today action steps:
In an emergency, determine who will call 911, who will talk to authorities, and who will talk to the media. Assign backups for each role.
Look for trained medical professionals, current or former law enforcement officers, and members with military or security backgrounds.
Two-way radios eliminate spotty cell service and scrambling to locate a list of internal phone numbers. Ushers, day care workers, and office staff equipped with two-way radios can relay information quickly throughout your building or campus.
Assign an usher or team member to lock doors once your service starts. Any unlocked doors should be actively monitored. All other entrances should be inaccessible from the outside of your church. Ensure that the exit doors remain unlocked from the inside.
During services, assign a volunteer to monitor an unlocked door or two volunteers for the parking lot. Equip your volunteers with two-way radios.
If your pulpit is in the middle of the stage or platform, consider relocating it to the side. By doing this, pastors and other groups facing the congregation can be closer to an exit or side room. Position people at the front of the congregation who can observe comings and goings during the service.
This may seem obvious, but in an emergency, it’s easy to forget about side or back exits. Start your message this weekend by pointing out all exits to your congregants.
Schedule a leadership or staff meeting to spur discussion. Brotherhood Mutual offers several free resources to help guide you through difficult topics.
Your local police department can provide a list of crimes that have happened near your address.
Invite local law enforcement, a fire marshal, ambulance service, or your insurance agent to your campus to identify trouble spots. They’ll help you better understand potential risks and offer solutions to help you create a safer church environment.
Capitalize on your momentum. By working these additional five steps, your church can be ready to respond to just about any emergency:
Your staff and church members can develop a safety and security mindset. The first steps are always the hardest. By overcoming objections and making small changes, you can help your congregation rise above their denial and fear, and create a safer place to worship for them and others.
The information provided in this article is intended to be helpful, but it does not constitute legal advice and is not a substitute for the advice from a licensed attorney in your area. We strongly encourage you to regularly consult with a local attorney as part of your risk management program.