Let us help you stay ahead of extreme and unseasonable freezing weather that could impact your ministry buildings and activities with a text message alert.
Once a policyholder enrolls, you will receive extreme freezing weather or emergency info alerts that could affect your ministry.
We'll notify you if a forecasted catastrophic event may impact the area where your ministry is located. When possible, we will send a message in advance of the event impacting your area so you have to time to prepare. These text messages typically provide information regarding what type of hazardous weather event is expected and includes a link on action you can take right away to prevent or minimize certain types of damage to your ministry buildings and property before the weather arrives. You may also receive information about what to do if your ministry does sustain damage.
Any of your employees can sign up. You may wish to designate certain people or positions within your ministry who are able to alert others or can quickly respond themselves to help prepare your buildings when they receive a notification.
If your ministry has multiple locations located throughout your state or in multiple states, you may wish to designate people at each location to sign up for alerts.
Signing up is easy. Use the form below. You will need the last six digits of your policy number (see example image).
Reply STOP to stop receiving Brotherhood Mutual Severe Weather Text Messages.
For winter, we are focusing on extreme and or unseasonable freezing temperatures. Our goal is to alert you if there is time to prepare your buildings and property in advance of a forecasted catastrophic event that may impact the area where your ministry is located. At any time you can reply STOP to the text message you received to stop receiving them.
Brotherhood Mutual does not charge for this service. However, message and data rates may apply from your mobile carrier.
We're here to help. Click here to email us at riskcontrol@brotherhoodmutual.com. We'd be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding Severe Weather Text Alerts.
Reply STOP to stop receiving Brotherhood Mutual Severe Weather Text Alerts.
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