Political Support and Activity Questions

Q1: What political activity is prohibited by tax-exempt status?

A: 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations are prohibited from influencing legislation and Political Campaign Interventions.

The real question for religious organizations is: “What limitations on political activity are imposed on 501(c)(3) organizations?” Organizations recognized for exemption under 501(c)(3) not only are tax exempt as organizations, but also afford their donors tax relief due to charitable deductions. The rules on political activity are meant to prevent individuals from obtaining a tax deduction for money contributed toward political activities.

What a religious organization may not do:

  1. Influence legislation
  2. Political Campaign Interventions

What a religious organization may do:

  1. Allow its members, employees, directors and officers to participate in political activities as individuals, provided they do not speak for the organization.
  2. Take a position on an issue that is a matter of public policy and debate, so long as the “issue” is not merely an indirect way of endorsing a particular candidate.

The rules on political activity are meant to prevent individuals from obtaining a tax deduction for money contributed toward political activities.

Q2: How should a church or ministry respond to requests from political groups and candidates for support?

A: Churches should be careful not to jeopardize their 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status through political activity.

In recent years, churches have become increasingly aware of restrictions on political activity imposed on 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations.

Since 1954, the federal tax law has prohibited 501(c)(3) exempt organizations, including churches and ministries, from intervening in any political campaign. However, some tax law specialists also say there are circumstances in which such organizations may participate in nonpartisan educational activities even if they relate to a political campaign.

Distinctions in the Tax Code
The tax code makes a distinction between ““political campaign activity” and “influencing” legislation. In general, the tax code allows 501(c)(3) organizations to engage in a limited amount of lobbying activity, so long as such activity is not “substantial” and includes issue advocacy that does not support or oppose any candidate.

How to Navigate
Here are some suggestions to help keep your ministry on track and out of trouble:

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